Health Impacts of the Different Energy Sources

Jean-Pierre SCHWARTZ et Roland MASSE

Health Impacts of the Different Energy Sources

Energy in all its forms is an essential element of life in our societies. However, along with the many benefits it provides, every stage of its implementation has negative repercussions.

At a time when a growing sensitivity is developing to control and reduce the consequences of human activities that are detrimental to the environment, the production and use of energy are subjected to close scrutiny. Similarly, weighing the various sources of energy involved with regard to their impacts on public health proves to be essential.



Translation of "Les impacts sanitaires des différentes sources d'énergie"

Authors:   Jean Pierre Schwartz and Roland Masse

Such is the objective of the document written by Roland Masse, “Health Costs of Energy”, published on the website of Sauvons le climat :  download complete pdf document  .

We present here an overview of the findings detailed in the above-mentioned document.

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