Health & Pollution

Climate change is already having an impact on health: through emergency situations caused by heat waves, forest fires and other hazards, through the appearance and propagation of diseases, through the disruption of food systems. It also disrupts healthcare services, access to care and social support structures, and affects mental health.


2 Jul 2023
Health Costs of the Different Energy Sources

By Roland Masse


At a time when there is growing awareness of the need to control and reduce the impact of human activities on the environment, the production and use of energy are coming under close scrutiny. The impact of the various energy sources on public health is an essential aspect that is addressed in the paper titled “Health Costs of Energy” by Roland Masse.


13 Jan 2023
Air pollution and climate : The unexpected testimony of methane

The unexpected testimony of methane

For years, it has been known that air pollution can affect the climate. The slow rate at which global warming started in the second half of the 20th century has been attributed to the shielding role played by aerosols emitted by industry: a fraction of the solar radiation was reflected back to space. The shielding effect is one way to modulate warming. Another is to modulate the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases.

11 Nov 2016
24 Apr 2016
14 Sep 2014


Health Costs of Energy

Roland MASSE

The health costs associated with global warming and resource depletion are a major component of the external cost of energy...


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Health Impacts of the Different Energy Sources (short version)

By Jean Pierre Schwartz and Roland Masse

French translation by Elisabeth Huffer


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Health Impacts of the Different Energy Sources

By Roland Masse

Translation by Elisabeth Huffer

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