Climate Change

Climate change is a lasting and concurrent alteration of the climates of the different regions of the globe. Present changes, mainly due to human activities, can have major effects: rising sea levels, more extreme meteorological events (droughts, floods, cyclones, etc.), with potentially devastating impacts: on forests, freshwater resources, agriculture, biodiversity, health, etc. Action must be taken to mitigate the causes of these rapid changes and to adapt to their inescapable effects.


6 Feb 2023
Carbon Neutrality - What Are We Talking About?

The IPCC has determined that carbon neutrality will have to be reached in the second half of the 21st century if the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement are to be met. A variety of countries, cities, companies... have announced that they are going to achieve carbon neutrality, some of them well before the critical date. But are their "carbon neutrality" and that of the IPCC the same thing? Nothing is less certain.

1 Nov 2021
Which Energies for the Near and Medium Term?

 The energy issue will be predominant during this century for all of humanity. Indeed, humanity will have to face an unprecedented revolution which will differ greatly from those of the past.

22 Oct 2021
Anything but numbers is open for discussion

Why the European "all market" solution for electricity has gone crazy

The French have been worrying for several weeks about the soaring prices of natural gas and electricity. They are right.

16 Oct 2021
The European Commission penalizes nuclear energy at the expense of the fight against global warming

France must take action so that the development of nuclear energy is fully supported at both the European and the national levels.

1 Aug 2021
It Happens Only to Others

It is well known, and the IPCC has said so, the countries that will suffer the most from global warming are the most poverty-stricken countries. Yet, precisely because they are poor, they are the ones that emit the least CO2. This is all very unpleasant for them, but we make ourselves feel better by promising to help them via technical international mechanisms that will be discussed at length during the next COPs. Meanwhile, we think that in our rich countries, global warming cannot be so serious, at least for the time being.

30 Apr 2020
Nuclear Excluded from EU Sustainable Finance? An Aberration!

Nuclear Excluded from EU Sustainable Finance? An Aberration!


On April 15, 2020 the European Council adopted the "green taxonomy" sustainable finance regulation, the result of a political agreement reached last December with the European Parliament. This text includes only renewable energies; nuclear power is excluded in spite of its being carbon-free. In the perspective of "Save the Climate", the taxonomy as it has been adopted supports a mix of renewable & gas for electricity generation, an environmental and economic aberration.

17 May 2019
Lucky German Electricity Consumers

Some of them at any rate, those who get paid to offload the electricity produced by conventional plants, fossil-fueled or nuclear, without needing it... for them, it's bounty! But not everyone, far from it, gets the prize at the top of the grease pole.

Is this true? How can it be?

18 Mar 2019
Is the French Government Turning a Deaf Ear to Youth Demanding Climate Warming Action?

European Youth are rallying against climate warming.

While the French government has decided to shutdown two operational nuclear reactors, we observe that it is hesitating to shutdown some coal-fired plants.

4 Jul 2017
International group of climate experts questioned President Macron's pledge to shrink nuclear power supply

On July 1st, 2017, an international group of experts on climate and energy addressed new President Macron about his energy policy.

20 Jun 2017
"Save the climate" sent a letter to President Trump

Save the Climate has written to President Donald Trump through Ms Jane Hartley, United States Ambassador to France. In its letter, SLC expresses its hope that the United States' removal from the Paris Agreement will not be detrimental to the planet as a whole.


What Should We Make of the Assertions of Climate Change Skeptics ?

Climate scientists widely agree with the claim that climate warming is under way... ...

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SLC meets the challenge of global warming mitigation to 1.5°C

During the COP21, the signatory countries asked the GIEC to study the possibility of limiting the increase of the Earth surface temperature to 1.5 rather than 2 degrees Celsius, with respect to the pre-industrial period, circa 1850. 

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Notes de lecture sur le projet de PPE

Not translated into English

Franch version available.

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