Climate Change
Climate change is a lasting and concurrent alteration of the climates of the different regions of the globe. Present changes, mainly due to human activities, can have major effects: rising sea levels, more extreme meteorological events (droughts, floods, cyclones, etc.), with potentially devastating impacts: on forests, freshwater resources, agriculture, biodiversity, health, etc. Action must be taken to mitigate the causes of these rapid changes and to adapt to their inescapable effects.

Climate scientists widely agree with the claim that climate warming is under way... ...
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During the COP21, the signatory countries asked the GIEC to study the possibility of limiting the increase of the Earth surface temperature to 1.5 rather than 2 degrees Celsius, with respect to the pre-industrial period, circa 1850.
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Franch version available.
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Document validé
par le Conseil Scientifique
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