"Save the climate" sent a letter to President Trump

Save the Climate has written to President Donald Trump through Ms Jane Hartley, United States Ambassador to France. In its letter, SLC expresses its hope that the United States' removal from the Paris Agreement will not be detrimental to the planet as a whole.

We also attract President Donald Trump's attention to the  great advantage that renewed major investments in the nuclear sector for electricity production would represent both for the climate and for the United States' economy, while making use of the expertise that the United States have acquired over the years in this field.


Monsieur le Président

des Etats Unis d’Amérique

S/C Madame l’ambassadrice


2, avenue Gabriel,

75008 PARIS


Taverny, le 10 juin 2017

Dear President,

“Save the Climate” (SLC) is a French association who regroup many well know experts working in the field of climate and energy.

You propose to “make America Great Again”. It is your right, and, even, your duty. The question is whether this has to be obtained at the expense of the rest of the world. This is why the French President answered that it’s the Planet that should be made “Great Again”

You have made it clear that the development of the USA required a continued use of fossil fuel, while the more cautious French President chose not to allude to specific energy sources, in line with the Paris agreement, with the risk to create the illusion that intermittent renewable energies suffice to fulfill the energy needs of mankind without Green House Gas emissions.

The USA were the inventors of the industrial use of nuclear energy for electricity production. Nowadays, this energy is most actively developed by China, Russia, Korea, India and France while it appears to be an essential component of any electricity production system effective in limiting the global warming. Projections for the construction of several thousand reactors before the end of the century have been made in the last IAMC (Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium) conference in Beijing (Dec. 2016) and in the conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change” in Paris (July 2015)

Should the US and its industry reconnect with their brilliant past in civilian nuclear energy, no doubt that their technology, organizational skills and dynamism will make them one of the leaders in an effective fight for curbing Carbon Dioxide emissions. This would have major fall outs for the US economy and jobs.

A go-ahead from you for a dynamic development of nuclear energy will show that, more efficiently than your formal agreement of the Paris protocol, your administration is bound to fight global warming in a realistic way.

Mister President, do not wait to give the start of a new nuclear energy revolution which is the only one at the scale required to limit global warming at a manageable level.

There, you will meet France and its nuclear knowhow and make our planet “great again” as well as America, and every American worker will be grateful to you.

Please, accept our highest regards.

                                                                                   Claude Jeandron
