the climate

Scientific analyses, rational solutions.

Let us contribute, together, to proactive policies

and effective in the fight against global warming



Save The Climate is an association whose aim is to lead to policies to combat global warming – rational, proactive and effective – through the sharing of scientific and Cartesian analyzes for leaders, decision-makers, and the general public.

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October 8 to 11 2024 at Amnéville (Moselle)

In the fight against global warming, biomass is often presented as one of the means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Timber, heat, various materials derived from biomass, biomass as a carbon sink.... these are just some of the facets of biomass that will be discussed at this SLC Summer University.

As part of the Fête de la Science 2024, in partnership with the CentraleSupelec engineering school in Metz, a conference for the general public will be held on the school campus.



26 May 2024
What limits for VRES integration in grids?

What limits to the Integration of Variable and Intermittent Renewable Energies into Electricity Grids and consequences?

A study by Georges Sapy – Translated into English by Elisabeth Huffer – May 2024

15 May 2024
Agnès Pannier-Runacher: At last, a Minister of Energy to whom we can say Thank You!

In May 2022, Madame Agnès Pannier-Runacher was appointed Minister for Energy Transition in Madame Borne's government. For the first time in many years, energy and its long-term challenges were under the responsibility of a full-fledged Ministry, with no direct reporting to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Ministry of Industry or the Ministry of Economy.

2 Jul 2023
Health Costs of the Different Energy Sources

By Roland Masse


At a time when there is growing awareness of the need to control and reduce the impact of human activities on the environment, the production and use of energy are coming under close scrutiny. The impact of the various energy sources on public health is an essential aspect that is addressed in the paper titled “Health Costs of Energy” by Roland Masse.


30 Apr 2023
Germany Has Completed Its Nuclear Power Phase Out

For some, this is a victory, but it is not one for the climate

It is all done; after a long journey that began in the early 2000s and was accelerated following the Fukushima accident, Germany has just shut down its last nuclear reactors[1]. It has thus achieved its ambition to move away from nuclear power. For some, this is welcome, for others much less so.


6 Feb 2023
Carbon Neutrality - What Are We Talking About?

The IPCC has determined that carbon neutrality will have to be reached in the second half of the 21st century if the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement are to be met. A variety of countries, cities, companies... have announced that they are going to achieve carbon neutrality, some of them well before the critical date. But are their "carbon neutrality" and that of the IPCC the same thing? Nothing is less certain.

13 Jan 2023
Air pollution and climate : The unexpected testimony of methane

The unexpected testimony of methane

For years, it has been known that air pollution can affect the climate. The slow rate at which global warming started in the second half of the 20th century has been attributed to the shielding role played by aerosols emitted by industry: a fraction of the solar radiation was reflected back to space. The shielding effect is one way to modulate warming. Another is to modulate the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases.

3 Oct 2022
Energy & Climate: France and Europe have made many mistakes

These must be corrected as soon as possible

 The crises we are experiencing (climate crisis, geopolitical crisis, economic crisis,...) remind those who had forgotten them the stakes of the energy field. The fundamental role of energy in our society is reasserted:

22 Sep 2022
Summer of 2022: the standard for 2050?

The summer of 2022 saw extreme weather in many parts of the world: for Europe, it was the hottest summer on record, combined with catastrophic drought; in France, high temperatures caused the premature death of more than 10,000 persons, according to INSEE[1]; heat and drought combined to breed devastating forest wildfires; destructive thunderstorms and violent Mediterranean events hit several “départements”. 


Health Costs of Energy

Roland MASSE

The health costs associated with global warming and resource depletion are a major component of the external cost of energy...


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France's and Europe's Electricity Supply Security is at Risk

As decarbonized electricity emerges ever more strongly as  ... ...

Study by Georges SAPY  -  Translation Elisabeth HUFFER

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What Is to Be Done with Nuclear Waste?

 Translation by Elisabeth Huffer

France is in a distinctive position. Almost all of the electricity it produces .... ...

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