Save the Climate is an independent association registered under the 1901 French law. Its members endorse SLC's goals by signing the Manifesto written in 2005 by Roger Balian, Rémy Carle, Bernard Lerouge and Hervé Nifenecker and updated in early 2023.
Along with its individual members, SLC welcomes like-minded associations in its membership. These to date are :
Association des Ecologistes Pour le Nucléaire (AEPN)
Association des Retraités du C.E.A. (ARCEA)
Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique (APPA)
Confrontations Europe Les Ebtretriens Européens et Africains (ASCPE)
Comité des Parcs et Jardins de France (CPJF)
Mouvement National de Lutte pour l'Environnement (MNLE)
Société Française de l'Energie Nucléaire (SFEN)
Under the aegis of a sponsoring committee, the board of directors and the scientific council organize debates and the exchange of ideas between members; together, they produce and publish objective and scientifically sound information on climate warming and energy issues.