

       Please find below the list of publications about energy

The European Union's climate/energy policy: myth or reality?
Agnès Pannier-Runacher: At last, a Minister of Energy to whom we can say Thank You!
COP 28: Let's Talk Numbers
Newsbrief : Germany Has Completed Its Nuclear Power Phase Out
Energy & Climate: France and Europe have made many mistakes
Summer of 2022: the standard for 2050?
The European Energy Policy: an Absolute Failure for the Climate
Point de vue : EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Financing: the need to reform the European electricity system
“Futurs énergétiques 2050” (Energy futures for 2050)
Newsbrief: Anything but numbers is open for discussion
The European Commission penalizes nuclear energy at the expense of the fight against global warming
France's and Europe's Electricity Supply Security is at Risk
France's and Europe's Electricity Supply Security is at Risk (short version)
SLC Booklet: Climate Warming: Good questions and true answers
Natural Gas Treated as "Clean Energy" by the European Union, LREM and the Former President of WWF France
Presentation note : Nuclear Power reduced to 50 %: Less Security, More CO2
Nuclear Power reduced to 50 %: Less Security, More CO2
Nuclear Excluded from EU Sustainable Finance? An Aberration!
Carbon Neutrality: Yes, but How?
Electricity Storage, Reality and Perspectives
SLC Contribution to the National Debate on the Energy Policy
Spontaneous balancing of wind power in Western Europe: origin and limits
International group of climate experts questioned President Macron's pledge to shrink nuclear power supply
Wind electricitity generation and storage