
       Please find below the list of publications on this theme.

France “ON Track” to Meet its CO2 Target : Really?
The European Union's climate/energy policy: myth or reality?
Agnès Pannier-Runacher: At last, a Minister of Energy to whom we can say Thank You!
COP 28: Let's Talk Numbers
Newsbrief : Health Costs of the Different Energy Sources
Health Costs of Energy
Newsbrief : Germany Has Completed Its Nuclear Power Phase Out
Newsbrief : Carbon Neutrality - What Are We Talking About?
Carbon Neutrality - What Are We Talking About?
Air pollution and climate : The unexpected testimony of methane
Energy & Climate: France and Europe have made many mistakes
Summer of 2022: the standard for 2050?
Should France Do Without Nuclear Power Because of the Waste Issue?
Radioactive Waste Management in France
News Brief: Should France Do Without Nuclear Power for Fear of an Accident?
Newsbrief : Massive methane leaks that must be prevented
“Futurs énergétiques 2050” (Energy futures for 2050)
weCARE statement on the 31 Dec. 2021 version of the Taxonomy CDAct
Newsbrief: Anything but numbers is open for discussion
The European Commission penalizes nuclear energy at the expense of the fight against global warming
Newsbrief: Climate: a weak France sacrificing its interests within a weak Europe
SLC Booklet: Climate Warming: Good questions and true answers
Natural Gas Treated as "Clean Energy" by the European Union, LREM and the Former President of WWF France
Presentation note : Nuclear Power reduced to 50 %: Less Security, More CO2
Nuclear Power reduced to 50 %: Less Security, More CO2